The word “sustainability” is thrown around increasingly at present – sustainable companies and reports, planet, vehicles and almost anything else that you can imagine. It is now a very ‘hip’ buzzword! This resumé is to put the word sustainability and its importance specifically to our business into perspective.
Wikipedia states: “Sustainability is the capacity to endure”.
The Free Dictionary describes it as: “To keep in existence; maintain”.
Kemklean has the following understanding of sustainability – to conduct all facets of our business operations mindful of the fact that all activities need to be undertaken in a manner that will ensure that, as a company, we are still thriving in 50 or 100 years time. This obviously, most importantly, requires that operations are conducted with utmost care and respect to the environment (mankind is very dependent on this planet – it is the only one we have!), much of which is spoken about today. For instance we as employees all need to be continually mindful of wastage as resources are becoming scarce, the use of electricity and water, the replacement of products with those more environmentally acceptable – fast growing plant based paper items instead of the traditional tree pulp items, and environmentally non-hazardous chemical based products.
However, to still be a successful operation in 100 years from now, we will also need to nurture our staff and to ensure that we conduct business according to the ever-changing legislation.
As our Customer’s perception is very important in the whole issue of “sustainability”, we need to clearly spread our understanding to them. In order to complete this task, we all need to have a clear knowledge and consistent voice in this regard.